Invisible bird protection window film

for you
for Birds

Bird Protection
Window Film

We aim to make bird-window
collisions a thing of the past

by making buildings safe for birds

Glass is a must-have in the modern building industry, but birds cannot see glass. Due to the rapidly advancing urbanization, cities are expanding directly in the flight routes of numerous bird species. Due to that, bird strikes have now become the second-largest human-induced threat to birds worldwide. To ensure biodiversity in the future, effective and simple solutions are needed to optimize cities for both, humans and animals. BirdShades goal is to take us a step closer to solving the human-wildlife conflict by developing innovative products to protect birds. 


BirdShades achieved great results
in various scientific testing methods

For all window
sizes and shapes

External full-surface installation and
easy maintenance

by science

We strive to push forward the entire field and knowledge on how to mitigate the human-wildlife conflict

BirdShades invisible bird
protection window film

proven measure to prevent bird-window collisions

BirdShades invisible bird protection window film empowers you to keep the aesthetic value of the glass surfaces of your building, without having a detrimental impact on biodiversity. Our technology is based on a bird-specific ability: most birds see UV light. For humans, this part of the light spectra is not visible.

Complies with
architectural design

Due to the innovative technology, the architecture remains unchanged

Sustainable without

We make protecting biodiversity easy and without compromises on aesthetics


Our window film is backed by science in different state-of-the-art scientific test scenarios

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Planungsbüro Fischer

In 2023, we had BirdShades bird protection window film installed on a glass surface where we had previously experienced a lot of bird collisions. Our team was very satisfied with the results, and we therefore decided to make more windows "bird-safe" with the BirdShades window film the following year.

Dr. Gerriet Fokuhl

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Chocolat Bernrain

We haven't had a bird strike since the installation. The glass panes are still transparent and do not restrict the view. Our expectations have been fully met!

Roger Näf

Chocolat Bernrain AG

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Klinik Pirawarth

The window-film is perfect, not noticeable to an outsider and we are more than satisfied with the effectiveness!

Jeanette Himberger

Purchasing Manager
Clinic Pirawarth

Installation by Folientechnik Krammer
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Verein für kleine Wildtiere Graz

We generally have a lot of birds around and sadly many collided with our windows. Since BirdShades is installed, this has changed and we fortunately no longer find any collision victims.

Ulrike Odreitz

Wildlife Rehab: Verein für kleine Wildtiere in Großer Not

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Folientechnik Krammer

With its transparency and innovative protective features, it fulfills the desires of numerous customers seeking both an unobstructed view and effective protection for birds.

Johannes Krammer

Window film installation Krammer

Installation by Folientechnik Krammer at University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Ilse Wallentin Haus

We contribute to the
cutting edge of science

to compensate the lack of standards and norms

Our investment in research and development produced groundbreaking insights highly relevant to the industry. This made us capable of working on the forefront of establishing research-based industry standards. BirdShades is committed to gather new insights through a variety of studies to ensure a high level of quality for our customers and our main goal to make bird-window collisions a thing of the past.

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